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Bulletin Editor
Gary Miller
Sep 20, 2024
Avon Historical Society
Sep 27, 2024
Chrysalis Center, Inc.
Oct 04, 2024
Technology Driven Future
Oct 11, 2024
Medical Cost Aid
Oct 18, 2024
New England Ballet Theatre
Oct 25, 2024
View entire list
Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Rotary Foundation
Board Member-at-Large
Board Member-at-Large
Interact Chair
Club Information
Rotary of Avon-Canton - Founded 1973
Service above Self
Fridays at 7:30 a.m.
Golf Club of Avon
160 Country Club Road
Avon, CT 06001
United States of America
(860) 760-6364
All meetings are hybrid both in-person and Zoom available
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August 23, 2024

The Reluctant Soldier

Mark Perlman, Author
Preview our September Speakers
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 Sergeant-at-Arms Report 
Rotarians Present: 24 + 2 Virtual
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Jeff Grindrod (Speaker)
Happy Dollars: $10
Raffle Winner: Joanne Santiago
Fines: None today.
President Debbie Stanwood on August 15th - Debbie showed up in a boot and a crutch this morning after stepping on a rock and falling on her back in a puddle in the parking lot of the Physical Therapist for her shoulder. 
Larry Haber on August 15th - Larry talked about his first Rotary Club that had a very successful fundraiser with an auction on the radio running over a 2-day period. He joined our club in 2001 after moving to CT. 
Peter Vignati on August 16th - Peter has been in the club for 22 years. He especially enjoys the monthly book club and the renewed enthusiasm of the club memberhship. 
Happy Dollars
Gary Miller referred back to Don Bonner's invocation this morning ending with a video of the Star Spangled Banner. Gary recalled the visitors presentation at Fort McHenry in Baltimore at which visitors learn about the battle and Francis Scott Key's poem. At the end of the video the National Anthem plays while a large curtained wall opens to reveal a massive US flag flying outside. It was a very moving experience.
Ann Clark was happy to be done with visits to St. Francis Hospital She spent a few days recently getting her heart medicine sorted out and ultimately have a pacemaker installed. She looked wonderful.
Peter Vignati and Suzanne are planning trip to Poland and Germany to visit family and do some hiking. Peter is hoping to explore some his Polish relations.
Johnny Guillot and his wife Elaine are celebrating 40 years together.
Bob Cave and his wife Jane are celebrating 61 years.
Chris Lamadrid was heading down to Yale-New Haven for the 2nd anniversary of her kidney transplant!!
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Al'a Nancy Nation - Colleen Grasso brought her charts to explain where we stood on the Golf Tournament. 
Colleen pointed out on the thermometer that we still have a long way to go in a short few weeks. We must all get out and seek out sponsorships, tee signs, and ads to support our fundraising efforts. This must be an All-Hands effort to avoid falling short of our goals. Sue and Bill Budde have been out canvasing local businesses for support. We still have a number of previous supporters uncommitted. Bill Budde has offered to accompany anyone that is uncomfortable going out on their own. He and Dick Kisiel had a very successful outing. Dick encouraged others to take Bill up on his offer of moral support. Contact Bill if you would like a copy of his script or would like an escort. In almost every case businesses want to know more about Rotary and our community activities.
Mike DelGuidice - Under The Stars - A Benefit Concert for Favarh: Friday, September 6th at 7PM at the Simsbury Meadows Performing Arts Center. An encore performance by singer-songwriter & recording artist, Mike DelGuidice, currently touring with the iconic Billy Joel. (Purchase tickets here:
Avon-Canton Rotary 2024 Annual Charity Golf Tournament: Monday, September 9th at the Golf Club of Avon. Registration starts at 10:30 AM. Lunch starts at 11:00 AM followed by a shotgun start at 12:00 PM.
Induction of New Members
None this week.
None this week.
Community and International Service Grants
None this week.
Avon Land Trust
Jeff Grindrod
Don Bonner introduced our speaker with the morning invocation. This morning, I played our National Anthem to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our American athletes at the recent Olympics. During the games in Paris, they used their talents to the fullest, winning 126 medals for the USA. For this we are grateful. Please Keep them safe from injury of body, mind or spirit, and give them a future filled with health and energy, 
and to give guidance to future Olympians.
Today, you will hear how to keep YOURSELVES healthy and invigorated, right here in our tiny community of AVON. The presentation you will hear is about an organization dedicated to your health, well-being, beauty of environment, and is located right here for you to enjoy, both young and old.
The Avon Land Trust is a non-profit organization that has preserved 39 parcels over 350 acres of land in Avon, CT since 1973. Their mission is to protect undeveloped land, maintain wildlife habitats, and promote appreciation of nature. They accomplish this through land acquisitions, trail maintenance, educational programs, and community engagement.

Recent Trail Expansions
In the past 18 months, the Land Trust has added 6.4 miles of new trails, including the Wellner and Nancy Nation trails, the Thompson/Osborne trail, and a new trail up to the U-Blind tower. They regularly organize group hikes on these trails for all ages and ability levels.

Educational Programs
The Land Trust has expanded its educational offerings, including a scavenger hunt program for local preschools, plans for a storybook trail, a fairy garden, and a Lego garden to engage children. They are also developing specialized programs for the FANIBAR community and a geocaching trail.

Volunteer and Financial Needs
The Land Trust is seeking more volunteers and financial support from the community. Specific needs include trail stewards to monitor properties, help with hikes and events, and financial contributions to fund educational programs, trail maintenance, and potential land acquisitions.

Recap and Next Steps
The speaker summarized the Land Trust's activities and initiatives, and encouraged the Rotary Club members to get involved by becoming members, volunteering, and supporting the organization financially. He invited the group to join an upcoming hike to experience the trails firsthand.
Jeff pointed out that the Avon Land Trust has even inspired young artists. 
Our club has volunteered to help maintain the Nancy Nation Trail in the hills behind the PETCO store.



Special Announcements

None this week.
Mail Bag
Photo Credits
Photos by Mike Mezheritskiy.
Technology Credits
Zoom platform management expertise by Mike Mezheritskiy.
Editor's Notes
Submission Deadline: Members are kindly encouraged to submit all materials for each week's Early Riser as early as possible. Please note that some editions may be published and distributed as early as the Saturday following our meetings, and during those weeks further contributions to the Early Riser will be included in the subsequent week's edition.
“The FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do”:

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all Concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?