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Bulletin Editor
Gary Miller
Sep 20, 2024
Avon Historical Society
Sep 27, 2024
Chrysalis Center, Inc.
Oct 04, 2024
Technology Driven Future
Oct 11, 2024
Medical Cost Aid
Oct 18, 2024
New England Ballet Theatre
Oct 25, 2024
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Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Rotary Foundation
Board Member-at-Large
Board Member-at-Large
Interact Chair
Club Information
Rotary of Avon-Canton - Founded 1973
Service above Self
Fridays at 7:30 a.m.
Golf Club of Avon
160 Country Club Road
Avon, CT 06001
United States of America
(860) 760-6364
All meetings are hybrid both in-person and Zoom available
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July 26, 2024
Club Day at FAVARH 
The meeting will be held both in person and via Zoom. 
Watch for an email from the Club for Zoom access and
please note we use a recurring ID for your convenience.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report 
Our Morning Team
Sgt-at-Arms Lauren Gardner
Secretary Sue Budde
Master of the Zoom Mike Mezheritskiy
Rotarians Present: 36
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Jenna and Kristin Stanwood, Speaker Joelle Santiago
Happy Dollars: $40
Raffle Winner: Tom Wood
Fines: None today.
Kevin Case (7/19) - Not Present
Happy Dollars (The Illustrated Version - Photos by Scott Nardozzi)
Yvonne Gardner was happy that J Timothy restaurant hosted two different pizza makers for a UCONN basketball fundraiser to help the Ticket Foundation.
Debbie Stanwood was pleased to have her two daughters at the meeting.
Joanne Santiago was happy to have her daughter , Joelle, as our speaker this morning. She also wanted to draw attention to a new flyer on The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund which explains where all the donations go.
Alicia Canning thanked Scott Nardozzi for helping her sell her house in Canton. She is moving to her new home in Harwinton (She'll need to practice how to pronounce "Harwinton") She also wanted everyone to think of her daughter, Sara, who is going a PETS exam. 
Dale Bronson was happy to be back at a meeting. He wanted to let Alicia know that Harwinton is a one of kind. No other town in the nation has that name. The name is a concatenation of Hartford and Windsor with "ton" for town. He was sorry about the passing of Bob Newhart. As usual Dale had a joke about the person that created the Hokey Pokey and the undertaker's difficulty getting him into his coffin.
Don Bonner announced the birth of his 5th grandchild by daughter Annie.
Gary Miller was happy to have met daughter, Laura, who had some Rotary memorabilia from her father she was hoping to pass on.  She was also working on a t-shirt quilt using her father's many t-shirts. Gary and Debbie were looking forward to helping her complete the project.
Peter Vignati was looking forward to the upcoming End Polio Night at the Yard Goats on July 27th.
Tom Voorhees was back after recovering from making a face plant a couple of weeks ago. He was looking fully recovered but bemoaning the loss of his nametag which has gone missing in his absence.
Luke and Katie Violette announced the birth of Liam Joseph Violette on July 18th
Rotary District 7890's Night at Dunkin Park: Hartford Yard Goats Game at Dunkin' Park, Hartford, CT on July 27th - Game Starts  6:10 PM. Come enjoy a great day at the ballpark, followed by fireworks and $6 of every ticket sold will go toward the “End Polio Now Campaign”. 
Mike DelGuidice - Under The Stars - A Benefit Concert for Favarh: Friday, September 6th at 7PM at the Simsbury Meadows Performing Arts Center. An encore performance by singer-songwriter & recording artist, Mike DelGuidice, currently touring with the iconic Billy Joel. (Purchase tickets here:
Avon Canton 2024 Annual Charity Golf Tournament: Monday, September 9th at the Golf Club of Avon. Registration starts at 10:30 AM. Lunch starts at 11:00 AM followed by a shotgun start at 12:00 PM. (More details to come)
Induction of New Members
None this week.
None this week.
Community and International Service Grants
None this week.
Joelle Santiago, DC
Past-President Chris Lamadrid introduced Joelle, daughter of Joanne Santiago, to speak. Dr Joelle Santiago began her journey as a chiropractor, observing the silent struggles of physical pain and the connections between the mind and body. Recognizing that true well-being requires a place where emotional pain is acknowledged and transformed, she expanded her education to psychotherapy.
Now practicing both psychotherapy and chiropractic, she holds a Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy from National University and a Doctorate in Chiropractic from University of Bridgeport. Joelle is trained in Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), offering relief for anxiety, chronic pain, trauma, and more. Dr. Santiago practices chiropractic in Avon and therapy in Farmington. She also offers telehealth sessions. Additionally she serves as 2nd VP and Chair of Government Relations and Legislation for the CT Chiropractic Association, passionately advocating for access to care and reduction of opioid abuse.
Joelle said she started to notice patterns with patients during chiropractic care and decided to study ART which resolves distress from traumatic stress or injury. ART helps a patient find peace in the response to a situation.
ART uses eye movement to redirect the mind to focus on positive energy. ART deals with the emotional response to trauma not the trauma itself. The brain worsens the memory of the trauma over time. ART helps to reduce that response by rescripting the memory of the trauma. 
Joelle explained the physiology and the contribution of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. She said that ART is very helpful in working with those that suffer from PSTD. 

Special Announcements

None this week.
Mail Bag
Photo Credits
Photos by Scott Nardozzi
Technology Credits
Zoom platform management expertise by Mike Mezheritskiy.
Editor's Notes
Submission Deadline: Members are kindly encouraged to submit all materials for each week's Early Riser as early as possible. Please note that some editions may be published and distributed as early as the Saturday following our meetings, and during those weeks further contributions to the Early Riser will be included in the subsequent week's edition.
“The FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do”:

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all Concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?